Tag Archives: Sabbat


The next Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year is Midsummer

This Sabbat is one of the four Lesser Sabbats or Quarter ceremonies. Typically they contain the Solstices and Equinoxes representing the astronomical beginnings of the seasons. Midsummer’s day is the longest day of the year. 

It is believed that during Midsummer the Sun God has reached the moment of his greatest strength. He is seen as being seated on his greenwood throne for he is also lord of the forests. 

The dates Midsummer is celebrated are on June 20th – 22nd

Some other names this Sabbat is known by: Alban Hefin, Enyovden, Festival or Feast of Baldur/Balder, Festival of Jani, Feill-Sheathain, Gathering Day, Ivan Kupala Day, Juhannas, Litha, Mean Samhraidh, St. John’s Eve/St. John’s Day/Feast of St. John/Johnmas, Sankthansaften, Sonnenwende, Summer Solstic, Sun Blessing, and Thing-Tide. 

Holidays/Traditions occurring during Midsummer in the NH (Northern Hemisphere): Vestalia (the Festival of Vesta), Gwyl o Cerridwen, St. Alban’d Day, and Golowan.

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Midsummer*

*Image found here: https://arcandemy.tumblr.com/post/177694916928/wheel-of-the-year*

Halloween too Commercialized?


Let’s face facts. Halloween has become a major commercialized holiday.

The things that have made this time of year special and the symbols we use have been turned into stereotypes. The images of a witch with the tall black hat, black cats, candles, spiders and broom are just that these days, images. They have little to no meaning to them anymore in the mainstream of things. People these days don’t even realize where they came from and what they mean.

Think for a moment about why we wear costumes and masks. Do you know why we wear these items to become someone other than ourselves? Did you know that in some cultures it was to hide among the spirits and walk with them for a day with out fear or harm? Not many people realize where the roots of such things come from.

So how do you find something meaningful to pull out of all the commercialism for your Sabbat? What do you do when most of the people around you don’t understand the ancient traditions they unconsciously carry on for generations?

My suggestion is to take a close look at the history behind the holiday. Pass on the facts and meaning to the generations to follow. Not rejecting the stereotype but educating yourself and family just why these practices exist in the first place. Create new traditions for your family to enjoy during this Sabbat.


*Background image found here http://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=19721*