Tag Archives: Weekly Pagan Lingo


The study, science and belief in the effect the heavenly bodies have on people’s behavior, personality, fears, lives and so on.

It is believed by people that practice astrology that the moon sign, sun sign, time one was born, year one was born all have an influence as to what makes each individual who they are. It can even lay out what a person’s future holds for them.

There are people that focus on just one aspect of Astrology such as just the sun signs, then there are those that use all aspects of astrology to make up some ones astrological chart. This can be used as a form of divination to help in the understanding of oneself.

Weekly Pagan Lingo

When people speak of being around a Balefire, lighting a Balefire, or having a Balefire at a circle what they are referring to is a fire lit for magickal purposes.

Balefires are normally rather larger than a normal sized campfire. One does hold a Balefire ritual in the outdoors due to the size and tradition.

The rituals that Balefires are traditionally seen at are rituals connected to the Sabbats of Yule, Beltane, and Midsummer. This is not to say that you cannot hold a Balefire ritual at any time, just that these are the times that they are commonly seen or referred to.

Weekly Pagan Lingo

Animal Guide:

A spiritual animal, who walks beside you on your spiritual path. They can also take on the task of being the messenger between your higher power and yourself. A animal guide is not limited to what is considered as an known animal. It can include animals that are classified as mythical.

It was once believed that you were only given one animal guide in life. Recently though during my research on this term I found more and more people are finding that they can have many different kinds of animal guides. I personally have three that walk with me on my path. Each one taking on different roles, or walking different paths. I have one that journeys with me in the astral plane, one that stays with my physical form and another that acts as a messenger.

Your spirit guide will embody many of the talents and strengths that you hold. They can be seen helping guide you when your weaknesses appear along your life and spiritual path.

*Image found here: https://www.canva.com/*