Contact the EoM Team

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2 thoughts on “Contact the EoM Team”

  1. Hello,
    We meet last year at Tammy’s women’s retreat. I received this card as swag, tucked it in my notebook and forgot it. Now, a year later, when I really needed it’s message, it was found. I just shared the following experience on Facebook and felt to share with you as well. I know you may not agree with my belief system but I thought you would appreciate knowing that your gift was an answer. Thank you. Many blessings to you.

    Elizabeth Tukuafu

    Almost exactly a year ago this week I went to a woman’s conference. As part of the swag from the conference I received this Oracle card with an invite for a free reading. I forgot about it. I’m going to digress here:The last few weeks I’ve been struggling to be my best self, even at times feeling like I’ve lost myself, not even feeling completely free to be me in my own home. Even my skin hurts and I feel more well that I’ve ever been until February arrived and I’ve had one physical application after another. I’ve been longing for freedom, from this body, from this moral life and I’ve scared myself a bit lately, not rushing to entertain hopeless thoughts such as these any further.
    Usually when I feel this way it’s because I’m teetering on the precipice of self evolution, wondering “if I jump, will I fall or fly?”
    Not feeling comfortable in my own skin, realizing I’ve been buffering my way through the challenges I’ve been having the last couple months instead of facing and working through them, I reached the point of overwhelm, nearly had a mental breakdown and I ran away from home!!
    Temporarily, of course. A friend was kind enough to let me stay at one of her rental properties while I clear my head, and fill my vessel. I was empty and inept at being all I need to be to everyone who needs me, not living up to their expectations (so freaking what) but more importantly not living up to my own expectations for myself.
    I finally opened my journal today and when I did, this Oracle card,I received last year at another extremely challenges juncture in my life, fell out. I decided to see if I could find anything about it online. This is what I found:

    Oracle Message: Burrowing deep into the ground, remaining safe, sound, and well-fed with family, is a special trait of the wombat. Home sweet home is always available if you recognize that well-being is the truth of life. Wombat Spirit reminds you that to be truly at home in the world, you need to find comfort within your own skin. You do this by accepting all your experience without judgment, through a deep honesty and love of life. When you feel the freedom to be yourself, you can begin to truly feel at home in your life, with your family and tribe. Right now you’re in a beautiful place where you can hang up the coat of your identity and settle in to a true sense of home and well-being, understanding that all is well. Everything you do from this place rings true in harmony with Spirit.”
    -Colette Baron-Reid


    Peace, hope, remembrance of my blessings, and who I am beyond my body and all the roles I play, flooded my mind and heart. Pain receded from my body and I sat with the simple mantra, I AM.
    The answers we need the most will always come when we are ready for them.
    I’ve always felt I had a gift to be an excellent homemaker. I thrive creating a welcoming, safe haven of hope in this world for my family. My world and my home has felt turned upside down lately. Nothing is what it was. Unfamiliar has become familiar. Change has been the training theme and thriving has been replaced, once again, with surviving and feeling barely able to muster the courage to get out of bed much less clean, organize and beautify my sanctuary that now feels like a prison!
    I was born for such a time as this! My personal collection unique of skills, attributes, gifts, perceptions, experience and personality traits is EXACTLY what I need to get myself and my family through these tumultuous times unscathed. Some of these I was born with, gifts from my Heavenly Father, others I’ve spent a lifetime collecting for THIS, right now! I needed a reminder.

    I needed this message today. It came directly after a heartfelt prayer of submission for answers, peace and comfort. How can I use this time at home to evolve myself into the virtuous woman I seek to become… You know, the one who’s worth is far greater than rubies? The wonder woman of the Bible that I dare to emulate and long to become.

    This is such a personal over share for Facebook but I know I must not be the only wife, mother, homemaker, woman feeling this now. I hope this is a message of deep empathy, personal awareness and hope for anyone who needs it now.

    Interesting how I turned to the Lord for answers and he replied through a Oracle card!
    He speaks to us how we will hear and uses what’s available to us for his “visual aids” to teach us.

    I’m thankful for answered prayers. I’m thankful for the reminder of who I really am beneath all the hats, masks, promises, weaknesses, responsibilities, etc. I feel lighter (heavy burden lifted) and lighter (my savior’s light coming in and through me).

    All is well. All is as it needs to be. Life happens for me. It is so.

    1. The universe works in some mysterious ways. So glad the message came to you when you needed to hear it.

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