Tag Archives: High Priestess

high priestess

Generally speaking, the Tarot is viewed by many as a fixed system. This means every deck will typically be the same 78 cards, 22 Major Arcana, 56 Minor Arcana, with the same type of meaning to each card.

In my studies and in my own decks I have found that though the meanings generally apply from deck to deck not all Tarot decks will have the same names of Major Arcana or suits for the Minor Arcana.

Below is the general meaning for each card:

The High Priestess –
Upright: Change, Clairvoyance, Divine Feminine, Follow your Instincts/Intuition, Reveal Hidden Truths and Feelings, Sacred Knowledge, Spiritual Awareness, Subconscious Mind, Mystery, Wisdom

Reversed: Careful who you Consult/Confide in, Detachment from Everyone, Disconnected from Intuition, Hidden Information, Neglecting your Inner Self, The Past, Secrets, Silence, Withdrawal