Tag Archives: Inked Goddess Creations

The Advent Calendar is here!

I am super exctied you all! My @InkedGoddessCreations advent calendar just arrived. It’s going to be hard to resist peaking before the 1st!

I will be doing a live opening every day for you all so look forward to sharing in this awesome surprise. *i promise to stay away from any and all spoilers*

Update Review on the Inked Goddess Box – Animal Magick Theme

I wanted to give a follow up on the Inked Goddess box I unboxed live for the month of May, which was their Animal Magick box. (*Side note this is the second time I am typing this up Facebook ate my first one*)

Animal Spirits Knowledge Cards – I haven’t really put these cards to good use since I have gotten them. I shuffled them and read a few of the cards. I am still in awe of the art work used on the cards. I have gone thought my ritual of clearing and charging them as well. I plan to add them to the cards I do personal daily/weekly messages from. I am really excited to see what they have in store for me.

Animal Magick Meditation Balm – I cannot rave about this balm enough! I want Inked Goddess to make more of this and sell it in their store so that all can benefit from it. It is amazing and I wear it nearly every day. I store mine in the fridge to keep it fresh and firm and dread the day I will have no more. Please Inked Goddess make more! This product is an Inked Goddess exclusive product so you will not be able to find it anywhere else.

Gemstone Animal Carving – This little guy has been hanging out on my desk just under my monitor to remind me of its message of thankfulness and abundance. I find it really cute and just found out that these are now for sale on the Inked Goddess website. Okay I’ll admit it I was slightly bummed I didn’t get the alligator or sting ray listed, but I believe in the universe and it delivering to me the messages I needed at the time. Here is a link to the Animal carvings : https://www.inkedgoddesscreations.com/…/carved-soapstone-an…

Raven Animal Magick Votive – I am waiting to use this candle for something special. So I have nothing to report as of yet. It still smells amazing and I look forward to using it for the “just right” spell casting.

Familiar Totem Hand-Dipped Ceremonial Stick Incense – I used this product shortly after getting it and I love the product. For me joss or incense sticks I can take or leave because either they are too powerful, burn quickly or smoke too much. These do none of these. The smell is spot on not too much for me, the amount of smoke didn’t set of any smoke alarms or just fill the room with a thick layer of smoke. It burned well and I think I will be burning them more then I had originally thought.

Familiar Protection Witch Bottle Kit – This I have been preparing to use and I am really looking forward to the next full moon to finely put it into action. I have been gathering nail clippings from all 7 cats, if you are wondering why I will explain that more during my live (fingers crossed) broadcast of putting the bottle together. I am also still working on writing the perfect spell for this bottle. This witch bottle has been a process that I am very excited to have the chance to work with.

Porcupine Quill – This I have not used just yet. Again waiting for that “just right” spell casting moment. My husband was rather impressed but the quill.

Over all this box was well worth the $38.00 I spent on it. Remember I paid more because I bought it after it was sent out to the subscribers. If you are a subscriber the box is $30.00. I am really excited to see what comes next month. 
Inked Goddess Creations #InkedGoddessCreations