Tag Archives: Agate


The stone Agate is seen as the ideal stone to help in things like: calming your anxiety, love, seeking comfort, helping with eloquent communication, boosting your confidence, strength, connecting to the natural world, raising your consciousness, enhancing your creativity, avoiding envy, winning favor, aiding in friendship, generosity, boosting intelligence, giving your life vitality, bravery, healing your grief, to aid in your grounding, comforting your loss, attracting luck your way, quieting the mind, optimism, purity, granting release, banishing spirits, finding truth, gardening and helping in your prosperity needs.

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes, Cunningham’s Encycoledia of Crystal, Gem & Mental Magic by Scott Cunningham*

*Background Image found herehttps://www.pinterest.com/pin/304344887292391085/*