Tag Archives: Akashic Records

Weekly Pagan Lingo: The Akashic Records

When speaking about the Astral Plane with others the topic of the Akashic Records does tend to be brought up, a lot. These are records that are believed to be kept and accessed only in the Astral plane. Akashic Records hold information about every human life including their past lives. Naturally it is also believed that they are guarded by higher beings so not just anyone is granted to see them.

Myself being one that naturally traveled into the Astral Plane as an adolescent without knowing it for some time, I had no clue what this was when people began to talk to me about it. Imagine how awkward I felt when I looked at people confused during conversations about the Astral plane and they used a lingo I never heard before. I was just learning about this place I found myself in at night and they were talking about searching for their Akashic Records.

In my mind over the years I would always envision a big filing cabinet that held all my records as these conversations went on. There are different theories as to how the Records are kept and what they look like. In my research and journeys I have found that many people do agree that once you reach a level that you can obtain access to your records then you can look into your past lives and even into the future ones.