Tag Archives: Beltane

Oils, Incense, Potpourri of Beltane

Oils, Incense, Potpourri (including herbs and flowers) traditionally used during Beltane: Angelica, blackberry/bramble, bluebell, daisy, frankincense, gorse, honeysuckle, ivy, jasmine, lemon, lilac, lily of the vally, marigold, mint, mugwart, passion flower, pine, primrose, rose, tuverose, vanilla, violet, woodruff, ylang-ylang

⚠️Please before using, mixing, blending, burning, or working with these herbs, flowers and oils understand what they can do to your body and those with sensitivities (such as your pets). Some of these items can be toxic in some forms such as The Lily of the Vally. Use caution and knowledge before working with any correspondence item.⚠️

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Beltane and Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes*

*Image found here: https://essentialoilexperts.com/jasmine-essential-oil-uses-benefits/*

Beltane Animals, Totems, and Mythical Creatures

Animals, Totems and Mythical creatures that are common images to use during Beltane are: 

Bees, Cow, Dove, Fairy, Frog, Giants, Goat, Pegesus, Rabbit, Satyrs

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Beltane and Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes*

*This amazing image was made by a dear friend of mine Theresa Mather. In fact I have this print in my living room along with every one of her fairy cats. Show her some love and visit her pagehttps://www.facebook.com/theresamatherfantasyart/*

Beltane Deities

Beltane marks the handfasting (wedding) of the Goddess and God, the reawakening of the earth’s fertility at its fullest. This is the union between the Great Mother and her Young Horned God. This coupling brings new life on earth. It is the unifying of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine forms to bring forth the third form, consciousness.

The deities that are typically appealed to during a Beltane ritual are: 

Earth Goddess, Goddesses associated with water, plants, or animals, the Love preparing to lie with her Beloved, Maiden Goddess, Mother Goddess, Dying and resurrecting Gods, Gods associated with fire, plants, or animals, Green Man, Horned God, Lord of the wild wood, the lusty you God getting ready to fertilize the Goddess Earth with his seed, Sun Gods. 

Here is a list of a few deities by name: Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, Astarte, Baal, Balder, Baldur, Beal (Bel, or Belenos), Belenus, Bona Dea, Cernunnos, Chin-hua-fu-jen, Chung K’uei, Cupid, Cybele, Danu, Diana, Eros, Faunus, Flora, Freya, Freyr, Frigg, Horae, Maia, Odin, Pan, Pluto, Prosperina, Ra, Rauni, Rhea, Rhiannon, Sarasvati, Venus, Wotan. 

Which deity do you like to include in your Beltane worship?

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Beltane and Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes*

*This amazing image is made by Liza Lambertinihttp://www.faeriewood.com/Pages/Lord_and_Lady.html Show her amazing work some love I plan to 

😉 *

Casting During Beltane

The Magickal Focus, Rituals, or Spell Casting done during Beltane is traditionally towards: abundance, agriculture, cooperation, creation, creativity, fertility, growth, love, lust, manifestation, marriage, the otherworld/underworld, passion, pleasure, protection, psychic ability, purification, sensuality, sex/uality, union, visions, warmth, youth

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes*

*Image found here: https://witchesofthecraft.com/2016/04/29/beltane-chant-from-druids-of-the-tuatha-de-danann/ On Image cerdits Jessica Bivans as the photographer and text by SilveryWitch*


The next Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year is Beltane

This Sabbat is one of the four Greater Sabbats or Cross Quarter ceremonies. These were associated with agriculture and the bearing cycles of animals in the beginning. 

Beltane is believed to be the courtship of the Goddess and God in a renewal of the ancient marriage.

The dates Beltane is celebrated are on April 30 – May 1. 

Some other names this Sabbat is known by Bealteine, Cetsamhain, La Bealtaine, May Day, Walpurgisnacht

Holidays/Traditions occurring during Beltane in the NH (Northern Hemisphere): Rowan Witch Day, Sacred Thorn Tree Day, Festival of Shashti

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Beltane*

*Image found here: https://wisewitchesandwitchcraft.com/pagan-wiccan-holidays/ If you know the artist please let us know so we can give credit*