Tag Archives: Color


The color of Brown is ideal for magickal work towards: agriculture, balance, beginnings, business, career, centering, concentration/focus, courage, creativity, decisions, earth, energy, energy, family, fear, friendship, grounding, guardian, guidance, healing (animal), the home, honesty, increase (financial), indecisiveness (eliminating), influence, justice, legal issues, locating lost objects, longevity, loss, magick (animal), material increase, money, nature, nurture, order/organize, problems, protection (familiars, pets), rebirth/renewal, retribution, stability, study, success, telepathy, travel, truth

The color Brown is considered a feminine color. This would be due to its connection to nature and the Moon. Brown is one of the more complex colors, with varied associations.  


The color of Blue is ideal for magickal work towards: abundance, astral realm, awareness, business, calming, changes, childbirth, clarity, communication, consecrate (bless), creativity, darkness (midnight blue), devotion, divinity, dream work, emotions, energy (general, receptive), fidelity, forgiveness, freedom, friendship, goodness, happiness, harmony, healing, health, higher wisdom, the home, honor, hope, inner light, inner peace, inspiration, intelligence, intuition, joy, justice, knowledge, life, light, loneliness, loyalty, magic (angel), the mind, nightmares, obstacles, opportunity, optimism, order, organize, patience, peace, pregnancy, problems, prosperity, protection, psychism, publishing, purification, relationships, the senses (general, hearing), sensitivity, skills, sleep, spirituality, stress, transformation, tranquility, travel (long distance), truth, understanding, visions, wealth, wisdom (higher)

Blue transforms violence, anger, and hate. This color helps to soothe. Blue is predominately feminine, though many consider the Royal Blues to belong more to the male energies. Depending on the hue of Blue it is ruled by either the Moon, Jupiter, or Saturn.

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kynes*

**Image found here: https://www.canva.com/**


The color of Black is ideal for magickal work towards: acceptance, the afterlife, anger, authority, banish, beginnings, bind, boundaries, challenges, change, control (self), creativity, crossroads, darkness, death, deceit, defense, determination, dignity, divination, discipline, dream work, endings, energy (receptive), enmity, envy, fear, fertility, grief, grounding, hexes (brake and set), justice, karma, knowledge, laws of society, life, limitations, loss, magick (general, black, crone, night), manifestation, material gain, the mind, negativity, neutralization, nightmares, obstacles, the otherworld/underworld, patience, power (quiet), problems, protection, psychic ability, real estate, rebirth/renewal, release, resilience, restriction, revenge, reversal, secrets, security, self-control, sleep, spirituality (deepen), stability, tests, transformation, truth, uncrossing, wisdom, witches/witchcraft.

When the color Black is properly used, it can be one of the most useful and powerful colors. That said, misused, it can cause great disaster. Make sure you are clear about your intentions and respect the power this color can lend your magickal workings.

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes*

* Background image found herehttps://www.pinterest.com/pin/564287028286154618/ *


The color of Aqua is ideal for magickal work towards compassion, gentleness, and harmony. 

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes* 

*Background image was found @https://www.pinterest.com/pin/207306389067775783/*