Category Archives: Wheel of the year


Brigid, the Celtic goddess of fire, healing, smithing, fertility, and poetry is considered the patron Goddess of Imbolc.

Activity you can do this Imbolc is weave “Brigit’s crosses” from straw or wheat to hang around the house for protection.

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes*

*We don’t know who made the first lovely picture. If you know the artist please let us know so we can give credit.*

*Second Image from*


Also known as the Festival of the Dead or All Hallows’ Eve, is the time for us to release the spirits of those who have died during the previous year and for us to honor our ancestors. It is customary in some traditions to set an extra place at your supper table on Samhain in honor of the departed.

Samhain is not a scary time, like some religions or media would like people to believe. What this Sabbat is, is a time when the veil is thin and we can spend time with the spirits of those we loved. This is the time when we say good-bye to those who have left this physical plane. Though this is not a time of sadness, but a way to celebrate with the Dead. 

Samhain also celebrates endings, and as such death. It honors the transition from light to dark. The growing time is over for this turn of the Wheel and the Earth begins it’s slumber. 

*Background image found here*

Samhain Correspondences

Planet: Moon

Moon Phase: New Moon

Season: Autumn

Colors: Black, Orange, White, Silver, Gold, Red, Brown

Trees: Apple, Beech, Blackthorn, Locust, Pomegranate, Willow, Witch Hazel, Yew

Herb/Plants: Acorn, Angelica, Arborvitae, Dittany, Bittersweet, Fumitory, Mullein, Sage, Wormwood, Mugwort, Broom, Dandelion, Rue, Myrrh, Patchouli, Catnip, Reed, Heather, Yarrow, Bay, Allspice, Deadly Nightshade, Mandrake, Garlic and Straw.

Foods: Turnips, Apples, Gourds, Nuts, Mulled Wines, Cider, Pumpkin, Corn, Hazel Nuts, Herbal Teas, Beef, Pork, Poultry Apples, Hazelnuts, Corn, Gingerbread, Cranberries

Stones: Jet, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Onyx, all Black Stones, Amber, Pyrite, Garnet, Clear Quartz, Marble, Sandstone, Carnelian, Diamond, Ruby
Metals: Gold, Iron, Steel, Brass

Animals/Magickal Creatures: Bat, Boar, Cat, Fairies, Cow, Dog

Symbols: Gourds, Apples, Black Cats, Jack-O-Lanterns, Besoms, Cauldron, Mask, Balefire, Waning Moon

Deities: Crone Goddesses, Arawn, Badb, Banba, Belenus, Cailleach Bheur, Coyote, the Dagda, Durga, Hades, Hecate, Hel, Inanna, Ishtar, Kali, Loki, Macha, Odin, Nephthys, Pluto, Rhiannon

Samhain Decorations: Harvest foods, photographs of your loved ones who have passed on, a statue or figurine of the Goddess in her Crone phase, pumpkins & Jack-o’-lanterns, balefires, besom, masks, cauldron, the Moon

Samhain spell work: Spells for release, neutralizing harm, death, crossroads, protection spells, darkness, divination, spells that deal with the dead, visions, honoring the dead, honoring ancestors, strength spells, introspection, wisdom, the otherworld/underworld

* Note: Do not ingest any herb/plant without knowing how your body will react to said herb or plant!

Do not work with oils without knowing how your body will react to said oil! 

Make sure to do research and consult a doctor or someone certified in herbology *

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes*

* Background image found here*

Halloween too Commercialized?


Let’s face facts. Halloween has become a major commercialized holiday.

The things that have made this time of year special and the symbols we use have been turned into stereotypes. The images of a witch with the tall black hat, black cats, candles, spiders and broom are just that these days, images. They have little to no meaning to them anymore in the mainstream of things. People these days don’t even realize where they came from and what they mean.

Think for a moment about why we wear costumes and masks. Do you know why we wear these items to become someone other than ourselves? Did you know that in some cultures it was to hide among the spirits and walk with them for a day with out fear or harm? Not many people realize where the roots of such things come from.

So how do you find something meaningful to pull out of all the commercialism for your Sabbat? What do you do when most of the people around you don’t understand the ancient traditions they unconsciously carry on for generations?

My suggestion is to take a close look at the history behind the holiday. Pass on the facts and meaning to the generations to follow. Not rejecting the stereotype but educating yourself and family just why these practices exist in the first place. Create new traditions for your family to enjoy during this Sabbat.


*Background image found here*