Tag Archives: Spell Casting


*Reminder* This is a guideline, not something set in stone that anyone is saying you must do. Use it, change it to meet your needs, or discard it.

A. Guided meditation or
B. Physical movement or
C. Standing out side with you bare feet on the ground (dirt) and chanting

Step #1 Ritual Preparation can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/TheElementOfMagick/photos/a.475266679179318/2311762832196351/?type=3&theater

Step #2 Banishing/Cleansing can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/TheElementOfMagick/photos/a.475266679179318/2323050994400868/?type=3&theater

Basic Ritual/Spells casting Structure…continued

*Reminder* This is a guideline, not something set in stone that anyone is saying you must do. Use it, change it to meet your needs, or discard it.

2. Banishing/Cleansing

A) Ritual Bath
B) Smudging 
C) Aspergil (with salt water)

I do go into further detail in my coaching program and seminars. If you would like to sign up send me a message.

Step #1 Ritual Preparation can be found here

*I do not have a source for the background image. If you know who made it please let me know so we can give credit.*

Casting During Beltane

The Magickal Focus, Rituals, or Spell Casting done during Beltane is traditionally towards: abundance, agriculture, cooperation, creation, creativity, fertility, growth, love, lust, manifestation, marriage, the otherworld/underworld, passion, pleasure, protection, psychic ability, purification, sensuality, sex/uality, union, visions, warmth, youth

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes*

*Image found here: https://witchesofthecraft.com/2016/04/29/beltane-chant-from-druids-of-the-tuatha-de-danann/ On Image cerdits Jessica Bivans as the photographer and text by SilveryWitch*

Casting a Circle

I do regard the importance of casting a protective circle very highly. Not all paths do and I respect their practice as that, theirs. Not every one is going to agree with everyone else’s methods.

It is my hope with these lessons to bring out discussions, opinions and ideas so that others can have a starting point, or even a finishing line to how they desire to walk their path. There are traditions that are rather strict in their practices, so yes there are right and wrong ways to practice in that traditional path. There are also deities that request to be worked with in a particular way. There are some correspondences that work best for certain tasks. It really is best to know all the foundations of the path you wish to work with before jumping into casting. 

⚠️*Please note there is not a ‘universal correspondence’ that can act as a replacement or be used for anything. This is a very bad rumor and form of advice. Know your correspondences before trying to work with an item.*⚠️

When working with a circle of protection keep these things in mind: a circle should be cast before you perform any spell or ritual, a circle protects you from any outside forces while you are conducting your spell, one should never step out of the circle once cast. It is a good idea to have all your tools on your alter before casting a circle. If you do need to step out of the circle use your athame, staff or wand to “cut a door”. 

The Circle

You can either: 
A) Make a physical circle using materials such as sticks, crystals, candles, salt, holding hands of those you are casting with and so on.
B) Envision a circle surrounding yourself and the space you are working in. 

If you need a tool to to help you project your energy you can use something like a wand, staff, athame, crystal or what every you use to help you direct your energy. 

You then cast your circle. There is no set way for you to cast a circle. These are a few I have used myself just to give you an idea. Feel free to write your own so that it fits your needs. 

A simple Circle

“I call the light of the starry heavens
I ask the lady to weave for me
A boundary encircling me in love and trust
A circle woven of stars and moonlight and morning dew
I seek power
I seek protection
I seek empowerment
I seek magick
Thus I do conjure thee, O circle of power
So mote it be” (I have no source for this circle casting it was given to me from a friend when I started on my path.)

Sacred Space

“Here we create this sacred space
Here in love adore this place
Together work, together play
And love the only rule we say

The Circle’s wide enough for more
Inside the Sun illumes the door
Wider still and then we see
Another Circle merged with me

Shed the flesh that veils the light
Strip away the mirror’s blight
Open wide and shine within
Look around, we all are kin.”
(By Mischa from Creating Circles & Ceremonies)

Circle of Power

“O Circle of Power, I conjure thee,
That thou may be a boundary,
‘Tween realms of flesh and Ancient Ones.
This shield ‘gainst bane and harm becomes
A meeting place of Truth, Love, Joy,
Containing the power that we employ.
By God and Goddess, we conjure thee
This is our will, So Mote it Be!”
(By Crow Dragontree from Creating Circles & Ceremonies)

**Background image found here:https://weheartit.com/entry/25305516 Photo “Nornas” by Xenia Lau**

Spell Casting

Simply put the word casting means to ‘put forth’ energy or focus your will for a specific purpose like a spell or ritual.

Yes spells are fun and the term used when pagans/witches desire to speak or commune to their higher power. The ability to spell cast can be for some the reason they started looking into paganism.

What people don’t always know when it comes to casting is that there can be rules attached. Not really a “right or wrong” sort of rules but more of an understanding as to what it is you might be getting into and trying to do.

It is my advice that you don’t ever just jump into spell casting without reading every set in the spell carefully and make sure you feel comfortable with it before casting. Feel free to add or take away to a spell. It is a good idea to keep to the laws/rules/guidelines that are in place with your sacred path in mind when writing a spell.

Next week I will be talking about casting a circle before doing magickal workings.

*Background Image found here https://bytheknotofnine.wordpress.com/*