Tag Archives: Yule

Crystal, stones and metals for yule

*Some of this information was found in Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Yule and Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes*

Herbs, Trees, and Flowers of yule

⚠️Please before using, mixing, blending, burning, or working with these herbs, flowers and oils understand what they can do to your body and those with sensitivities (such as your pets). Some of these items can be toxic in some forms such as Mistletoe. Use caution and knowledge before working with any correspondence item.⚠️
*Some of this information was found in Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Yule and Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes*

Oils, Incense, Potpourri of Yule

⚠️Please before using, mixing, blending, burning, or working with these herbs, flowers and oils understand what they can do to your body and those with sensitivities (such as your pets). Some of these items can be toxic in some forms such as Mistletoe. Use caution and knowledge before working with any correspondence item.⚠️
*Some of this information was found in Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Yule*

Magickal focus of Yule

*Some of this information was found in Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes and Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Yule*

It’s tradition in our house to put up the Yule tree after thanksgiving. There is to be no Christmas/Yule in my house until after thanksgiving because I feel we should give all the other holidays their due time, I hate how Christmas is pushing aside other holidays in stores.

So the kids and I put up our tree. Is yours up? Share with us your amazing Yule tree, log, space. We would love to see them.


The next Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year is Yule.

This Sabbat is one of the four Lesser Sabbats or Quarter ceremonies. The Lesser Sabbats contain the Solstices and Equinoxes representing the astronomical beginnings of the seasons. With these Sabbats the dates may vary by a day or two each year. This would be due to the fact that they depend upon the sun’s entry into the zodiacal signs.

Yule marks the longest night of the year. It is during this Sabbat that we honor the Goddess for giving birth to the sun once more. It is the time when the Oak King is victorious over the Holly King. The Holly King represents death and darkness that has ruled since Samhain, and the Oak King represents rebirth and life.

Yule is a time when we do rituals to celebrate the increasing daylight, to renew, and to see the world through the eyes of a child. Spells done during Yule tend to raise our spirits, bring harmony, peace, and joy. During Yule we see the wisdom in our past experiences, learning from them and beginning to feel reborn as new light guides us further down the path we have chosen.

Yule is celebrated on December 21-22

Some other names this Sabbat is known by: Alban Aretha, December Solstice, Dongzhi Festival, Goru, Midvinterblot, Midwinter, Saturnalia, Soyal, Winter Solstice, Winternights, Yalda, Yulefest, Yuletide, Ziemassvetki

Holidays/Traditions occurring during Yule in the NH (Northern Hemisphere): Advent, Bodhi Day, Brumalia, Chalica, Chanukah (Hanukkah), Christmas, Koliada, Koruchan, Las Posadas, Mother’s Night, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pancha Ganapati, Sanghamitta, St. Barbara’s Day, St. Lucia’s Day, St. Nicholas’ Day, Twelvetide, Twelfth Night

*Some of this information was found in Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Yule*