Tag Archives: Altar

Litha altar

Share with us what items you like to put on your Litha altar. Better yet share with us a picture of your lovely Altar )O(

*Some of this information was found in Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Midsummer*

The samhain altar

The Samhain Altar:

The Altar decorations that are suggested for Samhain would be items like: Acorns, Apples, Balefires, Besom, Black Cats, Cauldron, Deity figures of the Goddess in her Crone phase, Dried Flowers, Grains, Harvest foods, Hazel Nuts, Indian Corn, Jack-o’-lanterns, Masks, the Moon, Pendulum, Photographs of your loved ones who have passed on, Pumpkins, Runes, Scrying Mirror, Spirit Boards, Tarot Cards, Turnips

Colors: Black, Brown, Gold, Orange, Yellow, Red, Silver, White

Image was found here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B2MUtRYndsF/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

The Mabon Altar

**The image of the Altar is found here: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/471752129696395638/**

The Altar decorations that are suggested for Mabon would be items like: Acorns, Apples, Autumn Flowers, Baskets, Bolines, Corn, Cornucopias, Effigies, Gourd, Garlands, Grapes, Leaves, Marigolds, Pinecones, Pomegranates, Red Poppies, Scarecrows, Scythes, Sickles, Vines, Wreaths,
Colors: Brown, Gold, Green, Maroon, Orange, Red (all shades), Violet, Yellow

*Some of this information was found in Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Mabon and Llewellyn’s complete book of correspondences by Sandra Kynes*

The Litha Altar

The Altar decorations that are suggested for Litha would be items like: Balefire, Cauldron, Dried Herbs, Drums, Faeries, Fire, Love Amulets, Mirrors, Oak trees, Potpourri, Rattles, Roses, Rosettes, Sea Solar Cross (Sun Wheel), Spinning Wheels, Spirals, Sun, Sunflowers (Both the flower and seeds), Wand

Colors: Blue, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, Tan, White, Yellow

Share with us what items you like to put on your Litha altar. Better yet share with us a picture of your lovely Altar )O(

*Some of this information was taken from Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Midsummer*

**Image for the altar post:https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/184647653455730912/**

Weekly pagan lingo – Altar

 The altar will be the foundation of your magickal tools. For spell-casting purposes, the altar is the surface on which the spell is worked. It symbolizes the centre of the self and the centre of the universe. It is the focus and support for the magickal energy you raise.

An altar can be a table or area dedicated for ritual work. There are many books out there that show you the basic structure and suggestions as to the placement of certain tools when it comes to the altar. These books are simply helpful guides when it comes to a traditional altar or altars within the structure of certain types of practices. The great thing about the nature of the paganism is it allows you to follow your intuition, whatever feels right to you. So don’t feel you have to have something set somewhere because someone told you that is where it belongs.

 You can have a very elaborate or very simple alter, whatever fits your needs. It may change with the seasons or stay the same with limited additions and subtractions. It’s your altar you create it as you desire.

Most witches set up alters before casting their magick circles so that they have all their tools ready and not have to open and close the circle. I practice in a room and cast my circle to take up the space of the room because even though I have my alter set up I am bound to forget something.

Alters can be made from a self, a nightstand, or a table.  It could be a small table, the kitchen counter, a bookshelf, anything really. I know someone that uses a step stool. Perhaps your alter is a rock outside or a stump.

*The background image is unknown, shared with me many years ago. If you know the original poster of this image please let me know so I can give credit*

The Beltane Altar

The Altar decorations that are suggested for Beltane would be items like: baskets, bells, beltane cakes, broom, butter churn, cauldron, colors (of all shades of red, white, all shades of green, pale yellow, light blue, lavender), chalice, dairy foods, daisy chain, eggs, fauna, fertility, fire, flowers (chaplet), handfastings, honey, maypole, oat cakes, phallus shaped candle to symbolize fertility, potted plants, the priapic, stones (of rose quartz, emerald, sapphire, bloodstone), wand, wildflowers, wine (red or blush)

Share with us what items you like to put on your Beltane altar. Better yet share with us a picture of your lovely Beltane Altar )O(

*This beautiful altar is here:https://www.instagram.com/faeriehearthwitch/*